1. Knowledge Base
  2. JOB REQS Tab
  3. Setting Up JOB REQS & Screening Plans

How to Set Up a Job Requisition

Follow these steps to set up a job req when listing a new job.

Setting Up a Job Requisition

  1. Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login
  2. Click the “JOB REQS" tab in the top navigation bar.

  3. Click the “+ Job Req” button to create a new job req.
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  4. Fill in the fields marked with an asterisk:

    Link to Job Profile - select the profile to connect pre-hire data 

    Title - seen by candidates

    Description - only seen by hiring team

    Occupation Category - category of the position 

    Occupation - more specific description of the position

    Authority Level - the authority assigned to the position

    Employment Type - what type of position (ex. Full time, part time, etc.)

    Job Location - city and state of employment

    Job Country - country of employment

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  5. The following fields are optional:


    Require Resume - toggle on for all candidates to submit a resume

    Require LinkedIn Profile - toggle on for all candidates to submit a link to their profile

    Hide Interviewers Names - toggle on for all interviewer data to be anonymized

    Use Predictive Model - toggle on to use Journeyfront’s predictive abilities 

    Allow Retakes - toggle on to allow candidates to retake the application

    Gate Steps - toggle on to manage which activities a candidate can complete at a certain time (they can complete the application in phases, which you control)



  6. Click Save.
  7. Navigate to the set up tab.
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  8. Follow the underlined links provided below to learn how you should set up a job req:


    Adding Attributes:  Add questions to the activities in the screening plan

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    Adding Steps: Organize the screening plan by steps - fully customizable (coming soon)

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    Adding Activities: Add the specific activities to measure things like screening questions, skills tests, and interview questions (coming soon)

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    Adding Screening Questions or Interview Questions: Add questions to the activities in the screening plan

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    Adding Screening Question Templates or Interview Question Templates: Save time by using templates in the screening plan

  9. For assistance setting up a skills test / simulation, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


See the linked videos for a demonstration of the above actions.

How to Set Up a Job Requisition(Video)

Job Reqs Tab Overview(Video)