Learn to use this dashboard to analyze Time to Hire (The time from when an applicant begins an application, to when they accept an offer). It is a major indicator of hiring process efficiency
Using Dashboards
- Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login
- Click the “Dashboard" tab in the top navigation bar
- Click the name of the current dashboard to select others
- Select "Time to Hire" from the menu
- There is only one tab in the Time to Hire dashboard, so it will be selected by default
Time to Hire
Time to Hire by Job Req, location, and overtime
- Use the controls at the top of the dashboard to narrow your search. Clicking ‘controls’ or the dropdown arrow will open the control panel
- Application Date - Define the dates you would like to see
- Job Profile - Job types to be included
- Job Req - Specific job requisitions to be included
- Assigned User - Hiring personnel or team member that is currently assigned to the candidate
- Source Type - The type of origin or channel through which the candidate began applying to the job (eg. Social media, Job Board)
- Source - The specific origin or channel through which the candidate learned about and applied for the job (eg. Facebook, Referral)
- Minimum/Maximum Time To Hire - select minimum and maximum Time to Hire periods
2. Click ‘controls’ or on the dropdown arrow to close the control panel
3. The first set of visuals on this page gives an overview of your Time to Hire (TTH). Industry standard is median, but we also include average. The KPI's on the left are basic representations of the TTH in days, while the visuals on the right are representations of Time to Hire over time
4. Scrolling down will reveal another large visual. This visual is a distribution of each employee’s TTH, which can help to understand where outlier data may be present
5. Scrolling down will reveal 4 more visuals. These last 4 visuals allow assessing where TTH may be more of an issue, based on locations and job reqs-
- Visuals on the left use median TTH, and Visuals on the right use average TTH
- The top two visuals drill between Job Profiles and Job Reqs
- The bottom two drill between different location levels (ZIP, city, state, country)