Learn to use this dashboard to understand the percentage of activities completed for hires
Using the Dashboard
1. Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login
2. Click the “Job Req" tab in the top navigation bar
3. Select the Job Requisition you would like to view
4. Go to the ‘Dashboard’ page , select "Hiring Process Fidelity" from the menu
5. Use the controls at the top of the dashboard to narrow your search
a. Hire Date - Select the dates you would like to see
b. Assigned User - Hiring personnel or team member assigned to the candidate
c. Source Type - The type of origin or channel through which the candidate began applying to the job (eg. Social media, Job Board)
d. Source - The specific origin or channel through which the candidate learned about and applied for the job (eg. Facebook, Referral)
6. Click ‘controls’ or on the dropdown arrow to close the control panel
7. The first set of visuals on this page are basic KPIs.
a. Candidates Hired - The number of candidates who were marked as hired in this job req.
b. % of Activities Complete - The share of all activities which hires completed in this job req.
c. % of Activities Complete by Activity Type - The share of each activity type which hires completed in this job req
i. Unlike the company-level dashboard, this does not count an interview as completed if any interview in that step was completed.
8. Scrolling down will reveal two more visuals. An activity is considered completed if it has been scored, or a recorded end time.
a. % of Activities for Hired Employees by Activity - The percentage of employees who completed each activity
b. Total Activities for Hired Employees by Activity - The number of employees that completed each activity
9. Scroll down to the last 2 visuals. These visuals are similar to above but are over time
a. Percent of Activities for Hired Employees by Activity Over Time - The percentage of employees who completed each activity based on the date they were hired
b. Total Activities for Hired Employees by Activity Over Time - The number of employees who completed each activity, based on the date they were hired