How to Use Candidate Overview Dashboard

Learn to use this dashboard to get an overview of all applications and candidates across your entire organization

Using Dashboards

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click the “Dashboard" tab in the top navigation bar
  3. If not selected by default on the dashboard dropdown, select "Candidate Overview" from the menu


The first tab in this dashboard is the ‘Summary’. It includes basic applicant data (applicants, hires, overtime, etc

  1. If this tab is not already selected by default, click on ‘Summary’ to open it
  2. Click on the word "Controls" or on the drop down on the right side.  These controls can assist by narrowing your search parameters
    1. Application Date - The date the candidate started their application.  Set the parameters that includes the dates your looking for
  3. This tab starts with some KPIs at the top
    1. # of Job Reqs - Number of Jobs with at least one applicant in the dates specified
    2. Total Applicants - The number of applications started. If a Candidate applies more than once, they will increase this count with each application
    3. Hires - The number of applicants with a ‘Hired’ status. 
    4. Applicant Hire Percentage - Percentage of all applications started with the status ‘Hired’
    5. Avg Overall Score of Applicants - of all applications, the average overall score
    6. Candidate Status distribution - share of candidates with each status. Hovering will reveal percentages and counts

  4. Scrolling down will reveal the next set of visuals
    1. New Applicants Over Time - This visual shows how many candidates have applied to the job req over time, as well as a ‘Smooth Moving Average’ 
    2. Avg Completion Rate Over Time - The visual to the right shows Completion percentages over time is how much of the application candidates finish. 
    3. Hovering on either of these visuals will lead to seeing drill down/up buttons on the top right of the visual. These can be used to switch between time units (years, quarters, months, days)

  5. The next set of visuals shows the distribution of candidates
    1. Overall Score Distribution - On the left is a basic distribution of candidate overall scores. This can be used to understand what a “good” score might be 
    2. Rejection Reasons - On the right are basic rejection reasons. For a more in-depth analysis of rejections and fallout, switch to the Funnel Analytics dashboard

  6. Scrolling down will reveal a map of candidate locations
    1. Applicants Volume by Location - This map shows candidate location based on state code
  7. Scroll down to the last visual. This visual contains basic candidate data
    1. Application date -  When the candidate started their application
    2. Status date - When the candidate was assigned that status


Job Req Detail

A slightly more detailed view of all applicant data, with increased filtering.  A lot of the visuals in this tab are more useful when only comparing a few job reqs, just looking at hires, people from a specific source, etc. 

  1. Use the controls at the top of the dashboard to narrow your search
    1. Application Date - define the dates when a candidate started their application that you would like to see
    2. Job Profile - Job types to be included
    3. Job Req - Select specific job requisitions to be included
    4. Candidate Status - a candidate’s current status in the hiring process
    5. Source Type - The type of origin or channel through which the candidate began applying to the job (eg. Social media, Job Board)
    6. Source - The specific origin or channel through which the candidate learned about and applied for the job req (eg. Facebook, Referral)
    7. Assigned User - Hiring personnel or team member that is currently assigned to the candidate
  2. This tab starts with the same KPIs at the top as the last tab. See above for more information
  3. Scrolling down will show the next couple of visuals on this tab.
    1. Candidates by Job Req - This visual on the left is a basic view of how many candidates have applied to each job req
    2. Avg Completion Rate Over Time - Like the last tab, this visual shows completion percentages of how much of the application candidates finish, and hovering on this visual will lead to seeing drill down/up buttons on the top right. These can be used to switch between time units (years, quarters, months, days)
  4. Scrolling down again reveals more detailed views of the above visuals
    1. Candidates Over Time by Job Req -  Like above, a distribution of Candidates based on the job that they applied to, but this time based on Application Date
    2. Completion Rates Distribution Over Time - Like above, application completion rates over time, but this time individual distributions of candidate completion rates, instead of average completion
    3. Hovering on either of these visuals will lead to seeing drill down/up buttons on the top right. These are used to switch between time units (years, quarters, months, days)
  5. Scrolling down will reveal a large visual detailing candidate rejection reasons
    1. Rejection Reasons by Job Req - Rejection Reason counts, with the X-axis containing each rejection reason, and color representing job req
  6. Scrolling father will reveal another large visual, this time detailing the applicant's status
    1.  Applicant Status by Job Req - A distribution of applicants by status, similar to the visual in the top right of this sheet. Colors represent job reqs. 
  7. Scrolling down will reveal the final visual in this dashboard. 
    1. Applicant Detail - Basic data by candidate
      1. Application Date -  When the candidate started their application
      2. Status date - When the candidate was assigned that status
