1. Knowledge Base
  2. JOB REQS Tab
  3. Candidate Actions & Dispositioning

How to Mass Reject Candidates

Use the Mass Reject option when more than one candidate is being rejected for the same reason. (i.e. Lacking skills, low scores, etc.)

Rejecting Candidates

  1. Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login
  2. Click "JOB REQS" on the top navigation bar.topperJR
  3. Select the Job Req.
  4. Click the boxes next to the candidate's names. ema1
  5. Click the "Reject" button in blue.mass3
  6. Select a Rejection Reason or add a custom reason. Then enter Rejection Notes - be specific to ensure accuracy.

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  7. Press "Reject" to save your action.

Please note that Rejection Notes can be edited on an individual basis later if needed.