1. Knowledge Base
  2. JOB REQS Tab
  3. Candidate Actions & Dispositioning

How to Hire a Candidate

This article explains how to hire a candidate within a Job Req.

Hiring Applicants

  1. Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login
  2. Click "JOB REQS" on the top navigation bar. topperJR
  3. Select the Job Title where the candidate is located.
  4. Open the candidate scorecard by clicking on the candidate's name.
  5. Select "Hire".

  6. Fill in the following new employee information:
    • Email
    • Company Email (assign the new hire a company email)
    • Job Title
    • Start Date
    • Supervisor Email
  7. Then select "Show advanced options".
  8. Fill in the following new employee information as it applies:
    • Job Location
    • Job Authority
    • Employment Type
    • Occupation
    • Location, Department, or other custom fields
  9. When all fields are complete, click "Hire".