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  2. JOB REQS Tab
  3. Setting Up JOB REQS & Screening Plans

How to Default Assign Users to Applicants

Follow these steps to Default Assign Users to Applicants within specific Job Reqs to help keep your team more organized and accountable

  1. Go to the job req of your preference:
  2. Click on SETUP then on Configurations:
  3.  On Configurations you will be able to select a Default Assigned User:

    Please note: All candidates who apply will be assigned to this user. When Multiple Users are selected, candidates will be assigned in the sequence that is set.
  4. After setting a Single User or Multiple Users, you can click on Save:
  5. The next candidates will be assigned by default to a user or multiple users, following the established sequence. After setting the default configuration, you can see their initials: