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  3. Setting Up JOB REQS & Screening Plans

How to Configure Application Forms

Follow these steps to Configure Application Forms

The Application Form feature is designed to assist Talent Acquisition teams in gathering important applicant information for administrative purposes, thereby enhancing the efficiency of applicant tracking and record-keeping. It is important to note that, unlike Screening Questions, the Application Form does not influence the applicant’s overall score or evaluation. Its primary purpose is to ensure that all necessary details are collected during the application process.

  1. Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login. Click on the “Job Reqs” tab at the top of the page
  2. Select the appropriate job req that you wish to configure
  3. On the Job Req page, click on SETUP
  4. And then click on Application Form and you will see the following page:
  5. On the Application Form page you will be able to choose if an element on the form will be Hidden, Optional, or Required: 
    1. You can see that First Name, Last Name, and Email are required by default.
    2. For the fields highlighted below, you can choose whether they will be Hidden, Optional or Required:
    3. Hidden: These fields are not visible to applicants. They are typically used for internal purposes, such as pre-filling data or tracking information, without requiring input from the applicant.
    4. Optional: These fields are visible to applicants but are optional to complete. Applicants can choose to skip these fields without affecting their submission.
    5. Required: These fields must be completed by the applicant before they can successfully submit their application form.
  6. You'll notice in the screenshot below that you can also add "Personal Fields" to ask for additional data points in the application

  7. Click on "+Add Personal Field" and the screen below will appear
    1. You can search for Personal fields in the search bar
    2. If you have some Personal fields already set up, you'll see them listed below the search bar
      1. Greyed out fields have already been added ('City' in this example)
      2. Fields available to add will appear dark/black ('Employee ID' in this example)
    3. If you do not have any Personal fields setup and you want to set them up, follow this link to see how to set up Personal fields
  8. Below is an example of what the candidate will see in their applicant portal:
  9. The information gathered in the application can be found on the candidate scorecard: