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How to Add Applicant Sources in Company Settings

Follow these steps to add Applicant Sources in the Company Settings

Adding applicant sources helps you track where your candidates are coming from and optimize your recruitment strategies. Follow the steps below to add applicant sources in Company Settings.

When adding applicant sources in Company Settings, it's important to understand the following terms:

  1. Custom Sources:  Custom sources are defined by the client and are customizable. They can be categorized into the following source types (which are defaulted and can’t be changed):
    1. Agency: Refers to candidates sourced through a recruitment or staffing agency.
    2. Company Marketing: Includes candidates attracted through your company’s marketing efforts, such as email campaigns or website content.
    3. Event: Use this for applicants to meet at job fairs, networking events, or other professional gatherings.
    4. Job Board: Candidates who applied through job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, or Glassdoor.
    5. Internal: Refers to candidates applying for internal promotions or transfers.
    6. Prospecting: This includes candidates proactively sourced by your team (e.g., LinkedIn outreach).
    7. Referral: Candidates referred by current employees or external partners.
    8. Social Media: Applicants sourced via platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok.
    9. Other: Use this for sources that don’t fit into the predefined categories.
  2. Default Sources: Default sources are pre-defined and cannot be changed. You’ll see these sources pre-populated in your account which can be used by your team if needed.
  3. Following these steps will ensure that your applicant sources are properly organized and easy to manage:
    1. Sign in at https://app.journeyfront.com/login
    2. If Company Settings isn't the default landing page, click on the gear icon in the upper right of the screen:

  4. On the "Company Settings" tab, click on "Sources":
  5. Click on "Add Source":
  6. Select the "Source Type":
  7. Enter in the "Source Name":
    1. And click Save
  8. You will now be able to see the new "CU Campus job board" under "Custom Sources"

These sources will also appear in other locations such as Dashboards, the Invite Applicant feature, reports and report filters, and within the applicant scorecard.